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The Parish of South Lafford

         Public Notices

Public Notices are displayed on the church noticeboards when we are applying to the Consistory Court of the diocese for permission to carry out proposed work in the Parish of South Lafford.  All to be in accordance with the details submitted for and on behalf of the Parochial Church Council..  Two copies are displayed (1 on the external church noticeboard and 1 on the porch noticeboard or a noticeboard inside the church).

If you wish to object to any of the works or proposals you should send a letter or an an email stating the grounds of your objection.

Send your letter to The Diocesan Registrar at Lee Bolton Monier-Williams, 1 The Sanctuary, Westminster, London, SW1P 3JT

Send your email to The Diocesan Registrar at Lee Bolton Monier-Williams - Email:    

Each public notice will show the date your letter/email must reach the registrar by.  A letter/email of objection must include your name and address and state whether you live in the parish and/or your name is entered on the church electoral roll of the parish or any other basis on which you have an interest in the matter.    


Copies of the relevant plans and documents for a public notice may be requested from the Parish Administrator - Email:

Notices may also be shown here  

please scroll down to see current public notices



currently there are no public notices


© South Lafford Parish, 2016. Designed by Georgina Hands.
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