The Parish of South Lafford
The Parish of South Lafford
The Parish of South Lafford
The Parish of South Lafford
The Parish of South Lafford
The Parish of South Lafford
The Parish of South Lafford
St Denys' Church, Aswarby, NG34 8SE
Scroll through our page for: Information - Map - Events - Teachers Resources - Easyfundraising - Parish Giving - JustGiving

St Denys' Church is a Grade I listed building. The south doorway and font remain from the Norman church which stood during the reign of Henry I in the 1100s. The church is dedicated to St Denys (Dionysius, Denis in French), Bishop of Paris (273), patron of the Kings of France.
George Bass, after whom the Bass Strait between Tasmania and mainland Australia is named, was born in Aswarby and baptised in the church. His father and grandfather were both churchwardens.
In 2018 the church reopened after a three year project to repair the roof, tower and spire and create a selection of new guidebooks, leaflets and information banners. Inside the church, visitors and school groups can now learn more about the explorer George Bass and the history of the church and village. The project was funded by the Heritage Lottery fund.

Pennies For St Denys - Aswarby
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Find out more:
Please help support St Denys' Church, Aswarby though the JustGiving site https://www.justgiving.com/stdenys-aswarby
Events past and present:-
August 2021 - Aswarby Park and Aswarby House opened their gardens for the National Garden Scheme. Refreshments were in aid of St Denys' Church, Aswarby.
Aswarby Park Visit 2020 - Aswarby Park gardens were open on 28 June for the National Garden Scheme. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, tickets had to be purchased for a timed slot and numbers were limited to 20 per one hour slot. Sadly, no refreshments or toilets and buildings were closed.
September 2019 On Land & Sea: Exploring Aswarby’s Heritage - This event gave a unique opportunity to join expert volunteers on a combined tour of St Denys’ church following its recent restoration and learn about its most famous resident, the explorer George Bass. There was also a guided tour of the historic parkland.
October 2018 Guided Walk of Historic places around Aswarby Park - A guided walk of historic places around Aswarby Park took place on Sunday 21 October. The walk was well attended and it was a lovely sunny autumn day.

September 2018 Celebration Service at St Denys' Church, Aswarby
A wonderful celebration service was held on Sunday 9th September to mark the end of the major heritage project with music by South Lafford Choir and Heckington U3A Singers.
Major work has been completed to the spire, tower and drainage at St Denys' Church with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, (HLF), with the money awarded through HLF’s Grants for Places for Worship programme and the grant made possible by the support of National Lottery players. Many other generous grants from Charitable Trusts and Community activities raised additional funds to support the HLF grant for this work.
Click here to go to the Diocese of Lincoln website which has information and photographs of the celebration service at St Denys' Church in Aswarby.
Resources for Teachers
St Denys' Church welcomes schools and education groups. Please find a selection of downloadable resources to support your session. Please note there are unfortunately no toilet facilities at the church or in the village of Aswarby.